Academic Progress Policy

Section: III.  STSV - 112
Approved By: Dr. Ivan L. Harrell, 06/23/22
Last Review: June 2022
Last Revision: 05/02/22
Prior Revisions: 01/28/04
Initial Adoption: Unknown


The purpose of this policy is to quickly identify and inform students whose quarterly grade point average (GPA) falls below a 2.0 and then connect these students with campus resources so that they can improve their academic success.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

All students in credit-bearing classes at Tacoma Community College.


Previous Board Policy 4.5020 Academic Review Policy.


GPA: Grade Point Average

Quarterly GPA: The grade point average of all classes taken within a given quarter.

Good Academic Standing: Students who earn a quarterly grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better will be considered in Good Academic Standing.

Academic Concern: Occurs when a student’s quarterly grade point average is below 2.0 for a first consecutive quarter.

Academic Alert: Occurs when a student’s quarterly grade point average is below a 2.0 for a second consecutive quarter.

Academic Intervention: Occurs when a student’s quarterly grade point average is below 2.0 for a third consecutive quarter.


The office of the Dean of Enrollment or designee will oversee the implementation of this policy. The office of the Dean of Enrollment or designee will notify students who fall below a 2.0 quarterly GPA of an Advisement hold that will be placed on their account. Students will need to meet with an Academic Advisor to remove the hold. Students will be notified within two weeks of final grades being posted of their academic status. Students return to Good Academic Standing when they earn a quarterly 2.0 GPA.

This Academic Standards Policy is not the same as the Satisfactory Academic Policy (SAP) for Financial Aid recipients. International students are held to F1 immigration guidelines established by USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services). These students should seek guidance from the International Programs office.


Grades are posted at the end of the quarter as per the Academic Calendar. A student on Academic Concern, Alert, or Intervention will be informed of their status and what actions are required of the student based on that status within two weeks of final grades being posted.

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